From 2:30 to 5:30 I was sailing a 4.7 and having a lot of fun. I was planing about 85% of the time and this is what the wind graph looked like. The water was pure flat butter as the tide had a little ebb going.
Kinda hard to believe, huh? Rich and Arnie from Pappas Rock were there with me working on freestyle. We were all getting very wet and having a lot of fun. I could have been on a bigger sail, but was having a lot of fun using a 4.7, working on efficiency and using a sail I could really toss around.
I'm not sure if it's meter accuracy or the big board effect. Maybe I'm even getting slightly more efficient... *gasp*
yeah, we scored!!!! Sorry for the too close a body drag, i thought i was a lill more upwind... I am dreading your revenge.
It seemed like u were trying forwards??? Rich and I will help you nail them, just ask or follow or clinics this summer!
Oh, and as soon as the stick sensor is over 14-15 on average it is good. I have sailed there when it was averaging 12 and I was still powered on a 6.2
My 5.6 felt perfect yday, I am impressed you made the 4.7 work!!!
I agree with Arnie; I've scored plenty of good days at da Stick when is reading 11 or 12 (on a 5.4/100Lt). Wind direction and look at the high (19-20 mph for me is the min requirements) not just the average wind speed. Forwards?! I want to see it, Aaron!
What? You don't read my stuff in the bathroom anymore?
Looking forward to hopefully getting some time on the water with you next August when I come out there.
Arnie-- I didn't try any forwards yesterday, hopefully I'll get a good day for some attempts soon! Definitely wanna get that one!
Mac-- sorry I must've forgot to move yours over when I was making changes last week. I look forward to your visit, I should be able to set you up with gear!
Bummer!! There's much less chance of reading epic catapult stories if you're actually becoming a more efficient sailor... I am, however, glad that you're starting to "get it!"
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