I like to look at the windsurfing year as a predetermined number of sailable and unsailable that you could potentially windsurf. The wind gods have their annual meeting and Parcheesi tournament shortly after Christmas and they sit down with the list of everyone who is going to windsurf and assign a ratio to those people of the number of planing days they'll be awarded, in terms of a ratio. So they pull my file and determine that I'm going to get about a 2/7 chance of planing every time I
could windsurf. Since the ratio is fixed before the year starts, I'm not too upset when I drive 6 hours down to Avon to watch my reflection on the sound. It just means I'm going to get some REAL wind on another day.
To the point: Windfest 2008 in Hatteras wasn't real windy this year. I had one good morning of 7.5 sailing, and other than that... it was a great weekend of beer-drinking and general good-weather revelry. Here are some unorganized bullet point observations:
1. Today is
James Douglass' birthday. Everyone run over to his blog and wish him happy birthday. While everyone else was complaining about the lack of wind, James brought real live human females along and taught them how to windsurf. (!!!)
2. I met Mac,
the Water Turtle, super nice guy... and coincidentally we work for the same company. I heard the
Peconic Puffin was there at the same time, but his publicist didn't think hanging out with the other bloggers would be beneficial for his image. He'll be known as "Hollywood Puffin" from here on for the purposes of this blog...
3. The surf was 8-10 feet easily by the lighthouse. Pretty awesome out there. I brought my body board but chickened out of swimming out and enjoyed watching the local badasses show us how it's done.
Paul Richardson is a cool dude despite the fact that a 12 year-old girl can out-drink him.
WET is probably one of the coolest and most cohesive windsurfing clubs I've been around, and I've been around quite a few.
6. Stand-Up-Paddle boarding is actually really cool. A super nice guy let me take his out when the wind was calm and the water was super clear. It was a great workout, and overall a great experience. I've been looking at it skeptically from the outside for about a year, and now that I've tried it I "get it".
7. Despite my efforts, I didn't get to demo a single board. I found that pretty disappointing.