August was good to me. I learned to spock, and started getting them in consecutive sessions. No serious injuries and consistent wind at the spots that are located conveniently for me.
4.2 - 5 days
4.7 - 8 days
5.0 - 5 days
5.6 - 4 days
22 total days of sailing.
I leave today for Punta San Carlos, Baja, Mexico. I'm terrible at wave sailing. Just terrible. I hope to come back with some ability to go down the line. At the beginning of the year I declared one of my goals to get an aerial-off-the-lip. This was probably an unrealistic; I'll be happy if I figure out how to ride a wave properly.
Hope everyone gets some great wind, and my friends on the east coast stay safe from the hurricane, but also get to have some fun with it.
Say Hi to KT, Clark and Rodney for me! Carl
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