(photo by Jacob L)I made my first 3 Vulcans on April 23rd. I made my next one on May 29th.
Sure, I've been sailing a little less than usual due to a variety of reasons, but it's amazing how I could have something working a month ago and completely lose it. Ok, that's not entirely true. In the last month, I've probably had 50 near misses. Get to the other side of the boom get a good hold, then something goes wrong. Typically sinking the tail whilst landing.
It's a fickle move. And I'm an inconsistent windsurfer. We'll see if "dialed" becomes a reality some day.
Get your weight back over the board and not over the tail. That's my most common mistake. No more tail sinky. ;-)
Dave, yah that's the ticket. The say initiating the move with your weight forward and keeping it close to the mast through the whole move is part of the trick to getting it dialed (then being able to move on to spocks).
I once went a year in between donkey jibes, and they ain't nothin compared to the vulcan. Congrats on your latest.
Hey Puffin, you wouldn't happen to have another 23 cm fin you hate? Like... the one that came with your Fanatic 77? ;-)
Oh I still have it. The beauty of freestyling is that we now have reason to keep our bad fins...we take a hacksaw to them, a little sandpaper, and now we have a totally outstanding new freestyle fin!
The funny thing is that when I read that you hated that fin on IWS, I thought... well damn, that's my favorite fin of all time. I went to great lengths to find another like it, eventually getting the distributor to search the warehouse until he located one. I always feel like I can jump better and get better release on that fin over any other I've ridden.
well then maybe I shouldn't saw it off...if I'd known this two weeks ago I'd have handed the thing to Andy Brandt to give to you.
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