I felt as though something needed to be posted about the drink of choice for wind-travelers on the Baja Peninsula. It is a beverage called a "Ballena" which is 32 ounces of glorious Pacifico beer. It also is environmentally friendly since you bring back your old bottle(s) and exchange them for new ones when you buy them. I'll not say how many of these I've drank thus far on this trip, but I will say that these beers have been very, very good to me.

Mmmm... sounds good! Smuggle one back the old-fashioned way...
Yeah, the third-world way of recycling by reusing is a lot more simple and energy efficient than the American way. We need to go back to the future in that respect.
Ahhh yes..., the Ballena! The best thing about them is that your can leave the case under the van at night for a cool refreshing brew after the morning surf sesh or following the afternoon wavesailing sesh!
Its been a long time since my previous San Carlos experience (1999); however, on the wavesailing/camping trip between four of us (only three drank beer), we polished off a 12 cases of Ballenas! We had eight 5 gal jugs of drinking water, and had two left over at the end of our 17 day stay! Definitely, the Ballena was the choice drink when out in the desert dirt with no ice!
Why no posts? Did you get catapulted? Stories we want!
I second the Puffin. Stories and pics please.....
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