So it looks like I damaged my costochondral ligament in that fall at Sherman Island. Basically this is the cartilage that attaches the rib to the sternum. It normally heals by itself, but if it got detached, they'll have to sew it all back together. My doc told me that it looks like I hurt my shoulder pretty good too and wants to send me to physical therapy. I asked him how long it would take to be back on the water and he looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Do you compete in windsurfing or something?"
"Um... no."
It was cool, he used to windsurf back in the day, so he could appreciate what a catapult actually is. Anyway he wants me off the water for 30 days. I'm starting to feel a lot better, so I'm kinda doubting I'll make it that long...
So that was the bad news. The good news? I'M GOING TO MAUI IN OCTOBER!!! WOO!
Thursday 3 6 25 morning call
9 hours ago
That's a tough one. In all seriousness, I would sail very lightly and conservatively, to rehab and keep yourself moving. That way, you'll be in shape to go ballz to the wall when you get to the promised land!! Woop woop!!
I found inline skating speeds things up quite a bit, as probably any other non-strenuous (aerobic) exercise would. I would wait for some time to have it heal a bit first.
Ya, I heard a little bit about your upcoming Maui boondoggle. ;) Way to go, HC!
Seriously...get well soon so you can enjoy Maui bliss.
get a loaded board (, you could try the dervish, Vanguard or pintail, in that order) and start carving, it's whats kept me near sanity in the summer doldrums... I was riding mine all night..
Maui! have you ever been there? be prepared to be blown away. the beauty and consistancy of the place are extraoridnary. couple of questions. are you renting gear, and if so, from which shop? are you staying on the north shore or over in Kihei?
Lemme know if you have any questions. I've been there many times and can probably save you from wasted energy, which takes away from your time on the water.
Man i'm jealous!
Ah Maui...
After watching that vid of Jeff Henderson and GP playing around at Uppers, I really miss windsurfing there too! Between Hookipa and Kanaha, and all points in between, that north shore is definitely "Disney Land" of windsurfing/wavesailing. The water park is just so much fun!! Can't wait to get back there sometime in the "near future?!"
Very nice. Definitely let the injury heal so you can enjoy Maui. Does this mean you're not going to San Carlos?
Andy -- it won't be long before I'm ready for some light sailing, I'm definitely getting past most of the pain... and I don't want to be TOTALLY out of shape for Maui.
Sergey -- I've been doing some hiking...hopefully that will do the trick
Danny -- the hills are too big for me to skateboard around here! I'd kill myself!
George -- send me your email addy so we can talk about your Maui tricks...
Bill -- I've been to a few waterparks in my day, but I'm guessing this will be the best one...
Mac -- That's right, I'm skipping San Carlos this year... hopefully it will still be there next year!
first rule of riding slopes, LEARN TO SLIDE STOP!! I guess I forgot to mention you should grab a pair of slide gloves from loaded too! then youtube "coleman slide" that's the most effective way to stop a ride, then learn 180s, front and backside, riding regular and switch, they kill speed quite nicely... But shit you've got the hills, use 'em! I have to hit parking garages to find any kind of incline...Oh, and get into yoga, nothing helps recovery like a solid stretching regiment!
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