Sunday, September 20, 2009

What to do while you're injured...

I've been only windsurfing once or twice a week for the last month or so due to a nagging shoulder injury. I've been going to physical therapy a couple times a week to strengthen my left shoulder in preparation for Maui, but my windsurfing days have been very laid back and short. It's a major bummer to be injured at the end of the season, right as I was getting a hold of the forward loop, but I'm finding other ways to distract myself.

When someone is injured, it's really easy to disappear into the abyss of Matlock marathons and competitive eating... but the best thing to do is get out and hold the camera for your friends. Here's a video I put together from a bunch of sessions at Candlestick this month. Late in the season the wind gets lighter and flukier and only a handful of spots work on a regular basis. Candlestick is one of the only spots that works on warm late-season days, so you'll find a healthy crowd there when everything else has more or less shut down. Like every good thing, seasons must come to an end, so it's best to look at each late-season session as a gift. October and November are usually the lowest wind months before our winter storms come through.

September Sessions from Aaron Vieira on Vimeo.

**In this video, I captured Sofy going for a move called the "Toad", which is akin to a clew-first forward, and Kevin grabbing his first on film shakas, and leche (aka switch stance kono). He's been doing those tricks for a year, but no one has been holding the camera. It's awesome to get to sail with skilled freestylers so much, and it's been a huge reason that I've been able to make so much progress this year.

ppps. For the record... "squishing" people is far from being my original concept... for a good laugh: I CRUSH YOUR HEAD


windsurfinggypsy said...

And skilled instruction from ABK dose not hurt either ;-) Andy says congrats on the loop. Nice vid hope your back on the water soon.

Arnie said...

the same kind of thing happened to me 2 yrs ago: well on my way to learning the flaka and then late august: bang! sprained my foot... no serious sailing until the next yr... but it really motivates!

stoked to see sophy and kevin going for bigger moves! that's inspiring. next time all ya flatwater addicts should come to third for some more hang-time!

Jacob said...

Great video!! The fun everyone is having oozes off all over anyone watching it.

We need more freestyle videos like this! I'm so much more amped about going for Vulcans after watching this than after any Marcilio or Gollito video...

Unknown said...

Arnie, third season is expired, YOU should come up to T.I and get a little bit of everything, that spot rocks.

Jacob, I second your thought about big shots action, it feels too far and unreachable... When i was learning the Flaka i went to an old video of the Berkeley boys and watched over and over, it made the move closer to me since i know the guys from even before they learned the move.

Good luck to everyone trying hard.

rathokan said...

yeah, TI is backloop heaven... at least for Sofy. my backloops don't work there... or anywhere else for that matter.

cammar said...

yes, that was a good laugh. thanks for linking.

PeconicPuffin said...

Hey if you're resting your shoulder, I hope you're using a tripod while you shoot.

Meanwhile if you're getting two sessions per week you're still getting more than the folks on Long Island have had all summer...

George Markopoulos said...

how did you injure your shoulder?

Catapulting Aaron said...

Brendon -- def ABK helped me a lot! I'm always promoting...

Arnie -- feeling super hungry these days... I might end my hiatus soon...

Puff-- the camera weighs less than a pound. The PT I've been doing has been much more intense than that.

George -- hurt the shoulder trying loops overpowered on overly flat water. Strained/slightly torn rotator cuff. But I was getting close so I kept going for them for a couple weeks which didn't help.

PeconicPuffin said...

Cool on the PT...I'm well familiar (I've torn both RC's, had surgery on both over the years, and spent loads of time in PT.) Still working on the loop, though (yo Brendan...see you Saturday?)